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Best time to climb Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro offers climbing opportunities throughout the year, with optimal periods falling between April to May and mid-October to late December. For those seeking a serene experience, January and February are recommended, particularly if you choose the Shira or Lemosho routes. On these routes, it is unlikely to encounter many other climbers until the 3rd or 4th day of your ascent. Alternatively, if you opt for the Rongai route, you may even have the entire camp to yourself. However, it is important to note that the period from July to September is the busiest time on the mountain, although the weather conditions for climbing are slightly more favorable during this time.

If you plan to climb Mount Kilimanjaro during the wet season, particularly in early January or early June, you should expect tougher conditions at the summit. The average temperature will be colder and there will be a lot of snow. To prepare for any potential weather-related delays, we recommend adding an extra day to your climb during the off-season. However, it’s worth noting that the warmest and driest months are generally considered the best time to climb. Pleasant weather increases your chances of a successful summit, but keep in mind that these periods also see more traffic on the mountain.

January, February, and September are widely regarded as the most favorable months in terms of weather, consequently making them the busiest months. The period from January to mid-March experiences the warmest weather, with mornings and evenings characterized by clear skies. However, clouds may appear during the day, occasionally accompanied by brief showers. From the end of March to early June, the region enters a prolonged rainy season. During this time, heavy clouds may reduce visibility, but the number of tourists decreases significantly. June, July, and August are also pleasant months, albeit slightly colder. September and October mark the onset of the short rainy season, which lasts from November until early December. During this period, afternoon rains are common, but the mornings and evenings typically offer clear skies.